Where do you find the time to practice guitar?

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One of the most common problems of today is our lack of time. We all live these busy lives. We are running around doing all the things that have to be done every single day.

It almost feels impossible to find time to do the things we love most, things we are so passionate about, things that really matter.

So let’s give you the tips to create more time to play and practice:

Here we go:

1 – Wake up earlier.
Wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual and enjoy that precious extra time first thing in the morning.

It’s great because it’s still quiet in the house and there is no one to interrupt or distract you. Enjoy the morning sunrise while you practice your chords and scales. Waking up earlier gives you a head start and it feels great that you already have accomplished something.

Make sure you have a reason to wake up earlier. Write down the things that make you want to jump out of bed. A delicious breakfast, sunrise, private time, going to work without feeling stressed, feeling of accomplishment, etc.

You can play guitar very quietly if you need to. You don’t want to wake up the neighbors or maybe you do 🙂 Just strum or pick your strings really soft with your thumb or play an electric guitar (unamplified). I recommend 15 or 30 minutes of guitar practice in the morning. If you’ll make it a morning routine you’ll get hooked on it. I’ll promise you. Try it for a week. If it’s not your thing, you’ve at least gave it a shot. It’s worth the try.

2 – Take your guitar with you.
Take your guitar to work, school, friends, holiday, wherever you go. I know this doesn’t apply to everyone, but there are a lot of jobs out there where you have the freedom to play guitar during lunch or coffee breaks.

Maybe there are times when you have to wait for someone at work or school. There you go! Guitar time! You can also get one of those small travel guitars. They sound great. You can leave them at work or take them on holidays. Very convenient.

3 – Ask for some private time.
Time is yours! Whenever you are going to practice tell your family you need 30 minutes of private time. Don’t let anyone or anything interrupt you. Shut off all electronic devices (TV, Internet, phones, mobile phones, etc) that may distract you and lock your door. Peace and quiet.

Make sure you’ve got everything set up before entering your practice-area: Guitar, music sheets/laptop, coffee or tea, picks and capo. You’ll get a lot more done when you have some private time. Choose to improve yourself.

4 – Time is to be created. 
If you look at your schedule for today, ask yourself where can you steal 5, 10 or 15 minutes? Pick up your guitar during coffee breaks. Play guitar in front of your family while you spend time with them. They don’t hear your little mistakes and it’s a great way to practice your performing skills as well.

You might have a few minutes time before or after dinner. If you cook, ask your partner to clean up after dinner (guitar time right there!) If your partner cooks, you can play before dinner. Practice 10 or 20 minutes when everybody’s gone off to bed. Practice when you are waiting or hesitating. Practice while you are watching TV or better yet don’t watch TV. Be aware of practice time when it occurs.

5 – Simplify.
Simplify your life. Stop doing everything and focus on things that really matter, things you love most.
Believe it or not but there are many things you do on a daily basis that are quite unnecessary, I dare to say even useless. By simplifying your life you create and value your time. This way you can achieve your dream goal.

Here are some ways to simplify:

– Stop reading newspapers. If it’s really important you’ll hear it from somebody else.
– Cut back on watching TV.
– Be more efficient and effective.
– Write down what is important to you and focus on that.
– Check your email only once or twice a day. Same goes for social media.
– Turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices once in a while.
– Stop spending your time buying more stuff you don’t really need. Buy less, do more.
– Say no to people.
– Stop spending time with negative people.
– De-clutter your home. Get rid of stuff you don’t use or need. Less is more.
