End Of An Era – Ugritone Closing Doors – Farewell Sale & Almost FREE Plugins, Impulses, Midi Packs

End Of An Era - Ugritone Closing Doors - Farewell Sale & Almost FREE Plugins, Impulses, Midi Packs

For those who bleed rock & metal in the digital realm, this one hurts. Ugritone, the virtual foundry of bone-crushing raw drums, searing amp sims, and genre-defining MIDI packs, is officially closing its doors.

The news comes with a heavy dose of nostalgia. Since 2017, Ugritone has been a driving force in the underground music scene, pushing the boundaries of what virtual instruments could achieve for metalheads.

To commemorate their legacy, they’re throwing a Farewell Sale that’s pure sonic devastation on your wallet (in the best way possible).

In this video we talk about the news of Ugritone & go through some of the huge sales going on with even some $5 & $2 prices.

What are your thoughts on this news? Have you used Ugritone products?

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