
Amplificador Virtual Gratis Para Guitarra Rock y Metal - Amper 2.0 De Analog Obsession - Demo

Analog Obsession updated recently the free guitar amp plugin Amper to the version 2.0, a mid & high gain amp sim that was improved for rock & metal guitar sounds.  In this video I walk you through the controls & special features, playthrough the amp to explore the posibilities with isolated guitars & finally use […]

Amplificador Virtual Gratis Para Guitarra Rock y Metal - Amper 2.0 De Analog Obsession - Demo Leer más »

11 Mejores Amp Sims Para Metal En El Mundo - Plugins Vst Gratis y de Pago - Audio Assault, Neural Dsp, Audiority, Mercuriall Audio, VTar Amps y Más

I asked my audience what they think is the heaviest amp sim in the world free & paid & I did this video comparison based on their choices for the most part.  In this video I test plugins by Otto Audio, Audio Assault, Mercuriall Audio, Stl Tones, VTar Amps, Tse Audio, Neural Dsp, Audiority &

11 Mejores Amp Sims Para Metal En El Mundo - Plugins Vst Gratis y de Pago - Audio Assault, Neural Dsp, Audiority, Mercuriall Audio, VTar Amps y Más Leer más »

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