
Cool New Multi Fx & Ring Modulation VST Plugin by Morbid Electronics - Rings Of Saturn - Review Demo

Nuevo VST Multiefectos y Ring Modulation de Morbid Electronics - Nuevo Rings Of Saturn - Reseña Demo

Morbid Electronics released very recently a cool ring modulator & multi effect vst / au plugin that combines 5 main sounds with tons of posibilities in a simple yet powerful interface. Besides the ring modulation you have other effects such as chorus, stereo width, distortion & more. In this video I talk a bit about […]

Nuevo VST Multiefectos y Ring Modulation de Morbid Electronics - Nuevo Rings Of Saturn - Reseña Demo Leer más »

Amazing New MLC Amp Sim Suite By Bogren Digital - MLC Subzero 100 Plugin (With IRDX) - Review & Demo

Genial Nuevo Amp Virtual MLC de Bogren Digital - MLC Subzero 100 Plugin (Con IRDX) - Reseña y Demo

Finally! The amp plugin of a MLC boutique amplifier is here & it was made by Bogren Digital introducing the new IRDX technology. This new amp sim suite includes pre / post fx & a fantastic cab section with realistic speaker behavior. In this video I test this amp sim in a full mix, walk

Genial Nuevo Amp Virtual MLC de Bogren Digital - MLC Subzero 100 Plugin (Con IRDX) - Reseña y Demo Leer más »

Incredible New Free Marshall Plexi Amp Sim By Audio Assault - Amp Locker Prestige - Review & Demo

Genial Nuevo Amp Virtual Gratis Marshall Plexi De Audio Assault - Amp Locker Prestige - Reseña Demo

Audio Assault jut dropped an awesome cool new amp sim suite with a marshall plexi emulation, pre / post effects & cab section. In this video I test this amp sim in a full mix, walk you through the features & controls & play through some of the possible tones you can get. Let me

Genial Nuevo Amp Virtual Gratis Marshall Plexi De Audio Assault - Amp Locker Prestige - Reseña Demo Leer más »

8 Legacy Vst Plugins Now Free (Effects & Instrument) By Ohm Force - Music Production Vsts

8 Plugins Vst De Legado Ahora Gratis (Efectos E Instrumentos) De Ohm Force - Produccion Musical

The company Ohm Force is giving away for free 8 audio plugins for mac & pc from their legacy versions of the catalog, classic & creative tools that can help you out to mix & produce music that includes distortion, delay, multi-fx, synth, crazy filter & other cool utilities. In this video I talk briefly

8 Plugins Vst De Legado Ahora Gratis (Efectos E Instrumentos) De Ohm Force - Produccion Musical Leer más »

26 Best New Free Vst Plugins, Vst Instruments, Sample Packs & Best Plugin Deals - July 2023 Week 4

26 Nuevos Plugins Vst Gratis, Instrumentos, Samples y Mejores Vst Ofertas - Julio 2023 Semana 4

In this video I share the best new releases of the last week of july 2023 in vst effect plugins, vst instruments for mac, pc, linux, sample packs & some great deals in audio plugins. Audio examples included. Some of these tools and deals are free for a limited time, so go right away to

26 Nuevos Plugins Vst Gratis, Instrumentos, Samples y Mejores Vst Ofertas - Julio 2023 Semana 4 Leer más »

es_MXEspañol de México