3 Cool New Vocal VST Effects by Tuned Plugins – Vocal Tune, Vocal Chain & Tuned Reverb – Review Demo

3 Cool New Vocal VST Effects by Tuned Plugins - Vocal Tune, Vocal Chain & Tuned Reverb - Review Demo

Tuned Plugins, a fresh new face in the world of music production, has just released an exciting bundle of vocal VST plugins designed to elevate your vocal tracks. This collection includes Vocal Tune, Vocal Chain, and Tuned Reverb, offering an all-in-one solution for professional-quality vocal processing made with simplicity & ease of use in mind.

Vocal Tune provides precise pitch correction from subtle pitch adjustments the the more modern autotune effect, Vocal Chain is a multi-effects plugin that provides a range of essential vocal processing tools, including EQ, compression & saturation and Tuned Reverb offers a high-quality reverb specifically designed for vocals to add space & depth from small intimate to big & lush textures.

In this video I walk you through the features & controls of these 3 plugins & use them to mix a vocal track with before & after tests, isolated & in context of the full mix. Fully featured free trials available AQUÍ.

Let me know what’s your opinion about this new vocal plugin bundle.

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