Amner Montaño
I was born on October 26th of 1986 in a small town called Bavispe, in the state of Sonora, Mexico. I moved to Agua Prieta Sonora in 1999 where I was introduced to the music world. Currently settled in Hermosillo, Mexico since 2006. Started playing guitar in 1999 at the age of 13 years old and haven’t looked back ever since.
I took basic acoustic guitar lessons in middle school, fell in love with the instrument and became self-taught since then, mostly developing my ear in the discipline of rock and metal, for the most part. I don’t underestimate other genres, i have learned a lot from musicians of all kinds of music.
After some years of playing covers with my friends we formed an original punk rock band called MxL around 2002 and released an EP called El Demo. 1-2 years later we released a full punk-metal album called World of Madness and in 2004-2005 we changed the name of the band to Silent Hunter, change the genre to a more heavy stuff, released an EP called Moonlight Path and began our journey for more than 10 years with this melodic metal band playing in hundreds of local shows.
Amner Hunter Solo Project
The solo project officially began in early 2013 as a love and passion I have for instrumental music and wanted to make this music apart from a band I had called Silent Hunter. It was in this way that begins the composition of the original material as soloist.
As a result of my taste and passion for music production is then when I get involved in all phases of production of music, from composition, recording and mixing to mastering, distribution and marketing.
The main objective of the project is first of all enjoy composing music and to transmit it to others with a quality production. I want to be successful guitarist and my biggest dream is to influence and inspire others with my music.

Amner Hunter Studios
My background related to recording and music production takes me back to the summer of 2008, when I participated proactively in recording, mixing and mastering of the recording of my band Silent Hunter’s EP which you can listen HERE.
It was my first real direct and active contact with the world of recording and I really enjoyed it. Amner Hunter Studios started at the time when my solo project as a guitarist began, perhaps not formally, but when I started to introduce myself in music recording and production of my original material, I started researching and learning on my own, all I could, related to the audio world. At this time it was when I developed a deep passion and love for this craft.
In early 2013 I completed what would become my first original songs, which made me want to be a producer and an independent audio engineer. Under this circumstances, I began studying in the web, taking material anywhere I could to cultivate my knowledge.
It was such my passion for this art that I decided to invest a lot of my money savings in a more professional recording studio gear and education, which later led me to think about the idea of being able to offer my services to local and thanks to the internet, national and international musicians and bands. That is how “Amner Hunter Studios” officially emerges. A place where musical and audio quality comes first.