3 New Free Vsts & Holiday Deals – Sonible, Baby Audio, BeatSkillz, Vidar Audio & Native Instruments (Pitch Drift, Hypha, Pure:limit, Slam 2 & Hammer)

3 New Free Vsts & Holiday Deals - Sonible, Baby Audio, BeatSkillz, Vidar Audio & Native Instruments (Pitch Drift, Hypha, Pure:limit, Slam 2 & Hammer)

3 cool new free plugins were just released by Baby Audio, Vidar Audio & Native Instruments plus I want to share 2 great christmas & holiday audio plugin deals by Sonible & BeatSkillz. 

An awesome ambient instrument, a smart limiter, a powerful channel strip, a compressor/limiter & an effect for analogue vibes & color can be found here. 

In this video I talk about each one, about their main features & test them in some instruments & elements. 

Let me know what you think of these vsts, do you have a favorite out of these tools?

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